5 Free Training Resources that are Worth Your Time

1. You’ve got mail
What’s more convenient than free training that alerts you when it’s available? Our four from-industry teams of experts are consistently cranking out new process solution blogs, tech tip videos, and live interactive webinars, so why not take advantage? Even if you’re not a current ATG customer (and if you’re not…what are you doing with your life?) you can subscribe to this free weekly newsletter so you never miss a training opp that’s right for you.
2. Connect for content
Cringing at the thought of one more email? We get it.
ATG is built on the commitment to provide the service and support YOU need, so we never take a one size fits all approach. Connect with us on LinkedIn and get real-time updates as new training and industry updates are released.
3. Like, subscribe, learn
Speaking of ongoing tech content, just because you weren’t on the list before doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of all the great tech tips and webinars that have already been released! Join the thousands of followers on ATG’s youtube channel for on-demand content when you need it.
4. Big Beam Energy
Big Bluebeam User? Or….are you realizing you should be using Bluebeam but don’t know where to start? Wherever you are on the spectrum, Bluebeam experts Michael Echave and Jason Artley meet with the Bluebeam Morning Coffee Revu community every Tuesday morning to explore new ways to get the most out of Bluebeam from both an Architectural and Structural approach as well as Civil Engineering needs.
These highly interactive training sessions will not only teach you the Revu necessities but also help you connect with a larger network of industry contacts while enjoying your morning cuppa.
5. Tap into our network
Beyond our in-house experts, we love to tap into our great industry network for training to share. The monthly Midwest University Speaker Series features seasoned users across all verticals of the AEC community with the intent to educate and connect. With topics ranging from Creating Your Own Revit Template to Using 3DS Max to Animate Your Civil Projects, you’re sure to find new solutions to old frustrations in no time.
BONUS! Plug in and learn
If you’re a current ATG Autodesk customer, you have access to our free library of Global eTraining topics! Install this plug-in directly in your Autodesk software to quickly find solutions to headaches in the moment without leaving your program or project. Not a current ATG Autodesk customer? Maybe it’s time to talk.