5 Ways Laser Scanning Can Improve Your Next Construction Project

5 Ways Laser Scanning Can Improve Your Next Construction Project thumb
Are you still using the archaic phrase, “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” when it comes to adopting new technology in construction? Construction has been around for a while, and it is quite literally a building block of our society. While our society is advancing to a technology-driven future, construction, on the other hand, has mostly remained stagnant. So why are we still using “the old way” of doing things?

To keep pace, the construction industry must implement technology into their workflows. A great place to start would be doing a laser scan of your construction site. Laser scanning can improve the construction verification process, which affects all areas of your project.

5 Ways Laser Scanning Can Improve Your Next Construction Project

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Improve quality and accuracy

The accuracy of laser scanning allows construction teams to take planning and detail to the next level on site. With the point cloud produced from the scan, the design team can create a high quality model right on top of the point cloud.

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Reduce costs

Laser scanning is fast — much faster than conventional methods of project mapping. Scans can be completed in minutes, while conventional methods can take hours or even weeks. Even better: Created data scans empower teams to develop more detailed workflows. Construction is a bottom-line business, so any cost savings increases profitability on a project. In fact, some estimate that using 3D scanning versus conventional 2D scanning on a project can save up to 50 percent more resources, with the most significant gains coming from an accelerated timeline.

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Eliminate manual construction verification

Are your teams tired of going back and forth to the construction site to verify plans? Manual construction verification is tedious, so let laser scanning do the work for you! Laser scanning allows project teams to ensure a higher degree of accuracy, reduce errors and rework, and cut down on site trips for other disciplines on a project (i.e., architects, engineers, surveyors, etc.).

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Quickly access scan data

Laser scanning technology scans and processes data in real time, allowing you to operate smoothly, streamline productivity and reduce rework. Software like Recap Pro allows you to manage and optimize your point cloud data for design software such as Revit.

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Streamline coordination + collaboration

3D laser scanning can help improve coordination and collaboration on a jobsite, leading to faster and better overall decision-making. Better collaboration can improve project team relationships, enhance communication and help facilitate a successful project.

We can help to find the best laser scanner for you

Save time on measuring, say goodbye to costly rework, and make project verification a breeze. Take your work to the next level with Reality Capture!