4 Things Slowing the AEC Industry Down

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From hardware and software performance to lack of staff and more, there are so many things that can slow or even prevent project and task completion. This blog will address those challenges and provide solutions on how to overcome these major industry roadblocks.

Outdated, unreliable hardware

Hardware is advancing fast in both power and price, so it’s not always easy and cost-effective to keep up with the latest and greatest technology. Many users tend to go with the cheapest option, which often turns out to be slow, unreliable, and short-lived.  

If you’re in the market for a new computer, you need to ensure you assess all your options and make an informed decision based on your workflow needs. Solutions like BIMBOX have many options depending on what type of work you do. From full desktops to slim laptops, there’s a computer that can meet everyone’s workflow needs. 

Repetitive tasks

Repetitive tasks such as labeling sheets and drawings in Civil 3D or swapping types in Revit take up valuable time that you could be spending completing your project. Many users spend hours, even days working to complete these crucial tasks. 

What if there was a way to make out-of-the-box Revit and Civil 3D work for you? With a little extra help from software plugins like CTC tools, you can automate routine tasks, create plans in just a few clicks, clean up your projects, and more. Plus, you can test any of the tools out for free before making a commitment. 

Lack of staff

“The Great Resignation” and “Quiet Quitting” have taken the industry by storm. This has caused many firms to struggle to find or keep talent, which in turn causes loss of work and billable hours, inefficient workflows and stagnant business growth. How do you combat these roadblocks? 

ATG’s four from-industry technical teams in Architecture + Structural, Civil, MEP and Reality Capture can scale your business through services like production work, project mentoring, template evaluation and creation, BIM/CAD management and more!

Poor project management

Poorly managed projects and deadlines are a high-risk move that can lead to a demotivated team, lack of teamwork, cost overruns, rework and more. And once that project starts to go downhill, it’s hard to get it back on track. 

ATG can provide both content and project management solutions like HIVE CMS to help you organize and share your content, set permissions and keep content up to date throughout your company. For construction workflows, the Autodesk Construction Cloud can help reduce risk, increase profits and provide a more efficient process for your construction projects. 

Let ATG help you get ahead of the industry. Let’s discuss your needs and goals. 👇