A New Way to Buy Autodesk Subscriptions

In an effort to create a more personalized and streamlined experience for purchasing and renewing Autodesk subscriptions, Autodesk is implementing a new buying experience effective June 10, 2024. While this change may sound like a big one, ATG is here to break all the details down so that you’re prepared for the transition. 

Why is Autodesk making this change?

Autodesk is implementing this change to enable better self-service options for licensing and provide faster access to software. 

What’s changing about my interaction with ATG?

ATG’s focus is to be your partner in solving your business and technical challenges. We will continue to be involved in the buying process for everything except your actual transaction, which will be through Autodesk. We’ll still be your point of contact for support and anything else you may need like training, services, hardware, or software. Government and Autodesk Construction Solutions products will also still go through ATG. 

What actions do I need to take?

Before your next purchase or renewal, your company will need to ensure that Autodesk is set up as a vendor. Access this step-by-step guide to set up Autodesk in your organization’s procurement system.  

If you’re an ATG customer, your Customer Success Representative will reach out to you before June to provide support throughout this transition, help with vendor setup, and facilitate your renewal process. 

How do I pay invoices?

Autodesk offers a “pay by invoice” option, which allows eligible businesses to pay their Autodesk quote over the net term period. All payments will be processed through Autodesk, with availability for 30-day terms upon credit approval. This video will show you how to review and pay for your invoices within your Autodesk account.

How will MYABs be processed?

Any MYAB (Multi-Year Annually Billed) payments for any transaction that was processed through ATG before June 10, 2024, will continue to be made through ATG. Once that contract is completed, the next transaction will happen with Autodesk. 

In order to lock in secured pricing before the new buying process goes into place, ATG will be able to process any MYAB order starting 90 days before June 10, 2024. 

Have additional questions?

Reach out to your account executive, customer success rep, or contact us directly – we’re here to support you! 👇