Version 2.0.4
Bug Fixes
- Sometimes when exporting to DWG, AutoCad would remain open
- IFC Exporter would cancel midway and leave linked files unloaded
- UI issue in other languages where controls didn’t adjust to text length
- Incorrect detection of A4 paper as “A4 small”
- Print to PDF would fail with a “Print setup unsuccessful” error when using a specific set of settings
- A dialog in NWC export would interrupt the process when views don’t have any content.

Version 1.0.2
- [Parameter Extractor] Added support for TopoSolids
- Added FIPS compliance support
- [Model Cleanup] Inverted the “Show unused” checkbox to “Include Used Elements” with a warning to avoid accidental deletion of items
Bug Fixes
- [Family Thumbnail] Incorrect scale on the first run of the tool if the scale was not changed
- [Family Thumbnail] Duplicated or incorrect checkboxes in the Settings window
- Other minor bugs fixed

Version 2.0.2
- Stability and Performance
Bug Fixes
- Revit fileVersion Checker returning wrong results in some cases.
- Minor issues fixed.