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IT Services from ATG with

Set a technology standard across all aspects of the design, build and even Facilities Management levels of development. All trades, architectural and engineering disciplines and ultimately FM will be able share, collaborate, and work together like never before.

Holistic Private Cloud Solution made for this industry by AEC professionals.

The fastest and most reliable Cloud Desktop on the market.

Performance, back-up, security and support without compromise.

All-Inclusive Cloud Desktop

Advance2000’s Designer Virtual Workstations are the fastest VDIs on the market and constantly evolving to accommodate the newest BIM tools.

Choose from many types of virtual workstations, from entry level to the most advanced cloud solutions.

Advance2000 Features


Whether a company is simply looking for a cloud back-up solution or a full integrated virtual environment with regular snapshots and back-up retention policies, Advance2000 can help and provide a fully managed service.


Advance2000 users are brought to the data rather than pushing the data back and forth. Models open instantly, files accessed from anywhere on any device.

Security Compliance

The Advance2000 Standard provides a solid security posture including daily penetration testing and MFA. As well as the ability and consulting guidance to meet advanced requirements such as: insurance carrier audits and SOCII.

24x7x365 Live Support Helpdesk

All Advance2000 users have access to our helpdesk with a multitude of options: 800-238-2621, website or a dedicated support portal for immediate help.

Disaster Recovery for ACC

Protect your BIM workflows with our seamless recovery service, ensuring your team stays productive and your project secure.

Remote Users

Construction trailers, job sites, home offices and even road warriors stay connected to their software and projects from any device, anywhere, at any time.

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Let our team know if you would like to learn more about our solutions.

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Get in touch

Let our team know if you would like to learn more about our solutions.

Give us a shout – we’re here to help!