CIM Manager Suite

Automate Styles, Layer, Linetype creation & More

From CTC Software

Civil 3D and AutoCAD production management staff will greatly benefit from the CIM Manager Suite. Tools for automated linetype creation/editing, style management and layer management will make supporting production teams easier than ever before.

  • Speed up template Layer and Object Layer Settings management though dynamic spreadsheet syncing
  • Improve template management with automated annotation and Civil 3Dstyles tracking and replacing
  • Automate Description Key Set and Figure Prefix DB’s through spreadsheet syncing
  • Easily create and edit Linetypes without dealing with tedious .lin files
CIM Manager Suite

Linetype Manager

Easily create and edit AutoCAD Linetypes with an intuitive interface. Avoid having to edit and create Linetypes in a .lin file. All operations write to a native .lin file, ensuring compatibility with all AutoCAD platforms.

  • Create and edit AutoCAD Linetypes through an intuitive interface
  • Speed up Linetype management in template and drawing files
  • Avoid having to edit Linetypes in an AutoCAD .lin file


Introduction to Linetype Manager

Layer Boss

Speed up Civil 3D Layer management and creation by syncing with an Excel spreadsheet. All Layer Properties can be managed from an external spreadsheet, allowing faster template management. All Civil 3D Object Layer settings can be synced in the same way. Initial spreadsheet creation occurs through a simple export option from any drawing or template file.

  • Speed up template Layer and Object Layer Settings management though dynamic spreadsheet syncing
  • Improve template management with automated Civil 3D styles tracking and replacing


Introduction to Layer Boss

Style Manager

Keep your template drawing styles up to date by easily editing style properties directly in the drawing and exporting them to an excel file format. Amend excel files and import them into drawings to update style properties. Compare those styles against excel template standards for any discrepancies. Find and replace styles used in any drawing, use a prefix or suffix to track changes and more.

• Edit and apply Civil 3D style properties in current drawing through a grid interface
• Export style settings from .DWG or .DWT to excel
• Change settings in excel then import changes in dwg to update, any differences will be highlighted
• Compare current drawing style properties with another .DWG or excel spreadsheet

Survey Template Manager

Greatly improve survey template management through automated configuration of Description Key Sets and Figure Prefix Databases. Easily export, import or sync settings from an Excel spreadsheet. Automate Layer and Style creation and editing.

  • Speed up template management by working with syncing Excel spreadsheets instead of the tedious Civil 3D Description Key Set and Figure Prefix Database interfaces
  • Export Description Key Set and Figure Prefix Database settings to Excel spreadsheets
  • Sync and update Description Key Set and Figure Prefix Database settings from Excel spreadsheets
  • Automatically create and edit Point and Survey Figure Styles and Layers


Introduction to Survey Template Manager

Template Tracker

Track down the use of Layers, Text, Dimension, and Leader Styles in any drawing or template. Easily replace and edit these embedded elements throughout a template. This includes use of Layers in Civil 3D Styles, Text Styles in Dimension or Table Styles, and more.

  • Speed up template management by never having to search for where Layers and Styles are used
  • Track, replace and edit the use of embedded Layers in Civil 3D Styles
  • Easily manage annotation styles by tracking where they’re use and editing or replacing them
  • Save time through easy search and query fields to narrow down results


Introduction to Template Tracker