BIMBOX: Hardware Solution with Unique Capabilities — CrossRoad Engineers

The Challenge

CrossRoad Engineers was established in 1995 with a goal to create a family-oriented business rather than a large corporate firm. Exclusively in Indiana, they specialize in transportation, site development, surveying and right-of-way management, working closely with the Indiana DOT. The main challenge CrossRoad Engineers faced was slowing performance in Civil 3D due to the Dell computers they were using.

“About a year ago, we had some issues with Civil 3D performance and had been reluctant to continue buying Dell machines because we weren’t seeing improvements,” said Andrew Wolf, Vice President of CrossRoad Engineers. 

“From basic to more advanced tasks in Civil 3D, it just seemed like everything was getting slower. It was frustrating for our users,” said Andrew. 

  1. Accelerate mundane day-to-day tasks in Civil 3D to improve workflows 
  2. Purchase a machine that aligned with business goals 


From printing and drawing simple lines to more advanced Civil 3D tasks, the Dell computers continued to cause problems for workflows.

“When our CAD techs would run a publish job on a Dell system, the computer would freeze for up to 30 minutes until it was done,” said Andrew.

“I got connected with ATG when searching for Civil 3D support.  We had a need and I didn’t really know where to start.  That’s where Travis [ATG Account Representative] introduced us to BIMBOX. With BIMBOX, our CAD techs can run the publish job and keep working.” 

Business Outcomes

With the 30-day trial, CrossRoad Engineers had the chance to make sure they were making the best purchasing decision. Through extensive benchmarking and testing, BIMBOX proved to be the best option to accelerate Civil 3D. 

“As a small business, we avoid big purchases if we can’t justify them. The 30-day trial allowed us to do a return-on-investment analysis to make sure the cost made sense for what we needed. Right away, BIMBOX proved to be valuable and led us to make the switch. With the unique capabilities, like custom direct die CPU cooling, BIMBOX was the clear winner out of the options we considered,” said Andrew.


From basic to advanced tasks in Civil 3D to simply opening a PDF file, BIMBOX proved to be the best solution for CrossRoad Engineers:

CrossRoad Engineers

What stood out to me the most was the performance improvement. BIMBOX has blown us away. The speed of launching and opening files and running through our daily tasks was unbelievable. Hands down, BIMBOX was a no-brainer for us – the purchase made sense financially. It’s crazy how much time and money can be saved by just switching computers.

Andrew Wolf

Vice President

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