
This blog will help you with make changes to the end user’s Autodesk account information. Unfortunately, contract managers cannot update usernames and/or email addresses on file with Autodesk. End users, however, can make these updates on the Autodesk profile edit screen. With that said, there are a few things to keep in mind for either way, which will be clarified below.

Two options for changing a username and email address

  1. The end user can change their own email address at accounts.autodesk.com and those changes will propagate through the licensing and BIM 360 systems automatically. This is the recommended method whenever possible.
  2. The admin can invite and assign a new user/email in their Autodesk account management portal, and then invite that new user to BIM 360 projects. Details on how to do these steps are below. If this option is being done and the user is doing Revit worksharing, please see the section below about how to avoid common pitfalls.

Checking Account Information

If the end user has changed their own account information, it is recommended that a contract administrator check their Account Management portal and BIM 360 account admin portal (if applicable) to make sure these changes synched correctly.

Note – If the old email is still listed in either admin page, the administrator needs to re-invite the user to the appropriate page(s). They will also want to review the tips below regarding avoiding common pitfalls.

  • Account Management Portal: On the “by user” page, you can verify that the changes have taken place. If the new email is not listed, the admin will invite a new user account and reassign the license:
    • To unassign and delete the old account, click the user to edit access, “unassign” the license and then optionally delete the old profile with the trash bin icon.
    • To invite and assign the new user account, click “invite users”, enter and save the new user information. Once the correct email is listed, click the user to edit their access, and then click to “assign” the required licenses. New accounts require a one-time email validation. If any welcome emails are received by the end user from Autodesk, they will want to click through the link in the email and follow the prompts on the screen.
  • BIM 360 Admin Portal: Check “account admin”, “members” tab to make sure the new email address is showing up.
    • If the new email address is not listed, the admin will want to invite the new email address to BIM 360 and all projects that user needs access to. The user will get a notification email that they have to click through right away to make sure each project successfully links to their account. Once the new user account is re-added in BIM 360 the admin can delete the old user account in there as well.
    • If a new user is required for BIM 360, the admin will also have to add and assign that new user to the licensing in the account management portal as well.

If a new user account is created, there are a few pitfalls that can occur. The most common pitfalls are associated with Revit worksharing. Please see below for additional tips for various Revit/worksharing scenarios.

    If Revit is not being used or if there is no Revit worksharing being done:

    • After the new account is established, close all Autodesk software, and then go to this folder with Windows File Explorer: C:\Users\[Windows User ID]\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Web Services and delete the loginstate.xml file in that folder.
    • Open Autodesk software and login with the new Autodesk user information

    File-based or server-based Revit worksharing:

    • The end user will need to go into all central models that they have worked on with their previous user information, and make sure to “sync” and “relinquish” all worksets before making any changes.
    • Close all Autodesk software, and then go to this folder with Windows File Explorer: C:\Users\[Windows User ID]\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Web Services and delete the loginstate.xml file.
    • Open Autodesk software and login with the new Autodesk user information

    BIM 360 cloud based worksharing (use these steps if multiple worksharing methods are being used):

    • The end user will need to go into all central models that they have worked on with their previous user information, and make sure to “sync” and “relinquish” all worksets before making any changes.
    • After the changes are made, the end user should login to the BIM 360 site online with an internet browser, and make sure that all projects and folders show up that are needed.
    • Close all Autodesk software, and then go to this folder with Windows File Explorer: C:\Users\[Windows User ID]\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Web Services and delete the loginstate.xml file.
    • Open Autodesk software and login with the new Autodesk user information

    As you can see, there are more steps to take if the admin creates a new account. It is always best to let the user update their own profile information whenever possible. Please contact ATG support if you have questions or if further assistance is needed

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